Sept 2013: Postdoc Temi Odumosu gives slavery images seminar for UNESCO Associated Teachers Network in Copenhagen

The Danish UNESCO Associated Teachers Network meets annually in Copenhagen to expand their teaching practices and explore new perspectives and resources on the history and legacies of the transatlantic slave trade. Coordinated by Danish history teacher Peder Wiben, the network comprises of school teachers in a number of subject disciplines from schools teaching this history all over Denmark. This year during their week of learning activities, EUROTAST Postdoc Dr Temi Odumosu presented a seminar on “Teaching Slavery with Images”, which offered alternative ways in which the history and legacies of slavery could be translated in the classroom through historical and contemporary images, artefacts and ephemera. The seminar explored how images had initially been critical to pro and antislavery propaganda and discussed the persistence of repetitive motifs (such as the famous Brookes slave ship diagram) in the retelling of this history in modern day heritage and educational contexts. Temi challenged the network to question the meanings of these images and to find ways of balancing out what has been a historically Eurocentric visual culture. Furthermore she showed how this history and its legacies could be witnessed and explored in the present day through films, advertising and other everyday ephemera. For more information, visit the network website.
– Post by Temi Odumosu