Posts Tagged "publication"

DECEMBER 2014: Three New Research Papers by EUROTAST

First, Petr Triska and his advisor, Luisa Pereira, authored an article in Nature’s Scientific Reports on the differences in selection signatures between human populations. By investigating the diversity in 104 nuclear-coded mitochondrial proteins from a worldwide sample of 1,092 individuals, the study showed a significantly lower amount of pathogenic mutations in Europeans when compared with…

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August 2012: PhD fellow Carlos da Silva Jr. publishes review of ‘Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade’

August 2012: PhD fellow Carlos da Silva Jr. publishes review of ‘Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade’

EUROTAST PhD fellow, Carlos da Silva Jr. has published a review of the Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (Yale, 2010) by David Eltis and David Richardson, in Afro-Ásia – the biannual journal of the Center for Afro-Oriental Studies at Federal University of Bahia (Salvador, Brazil). This publication is dedicated to the dissemination of studies on Asian and African people,…

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