Carlos da Silva Jr.

Carlos da Silva Jr.


Position: Marie Curie Fellow

ESR4: Documenting the Ethnic Origins of Captives in the Atlantic Slave Trade
Supervision:  Prof. David Richardson
Host Institution:  Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation, University of Hull

About me:

I am a Brazilian historian dedicated to the study of Africa and the African Diaspora. In 2011 I concluded my MA at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Brazil, where I researched the ethnic categories of enslaved Africans in the first half of the Eighteenth-Century Bahia, Brazil. My PhD research for EUROTAST will investigate more comprehensively the ethnic origins of the enslaved Africans taken to Bahia throughout the transatlantic slave trade, focusing now on the second half of the eighteenth century.  I am generally interested in African History, the transatlantic slave trade and cultures of the African Diaspora, and have published articles and reviews on these subjects in scholarly journals in Brazil – such as Afro-Ásia, Revista Unissinos, Revista da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores Negros [Brazilian Association of Black Researchers Journal]. Most recently I published “Tráfico, escravidão e comércio em Salvador do século XVIII: a vida de Francisco Gonçalves Dantas (1699-1738)” in Escravidão e suas sombras [Slavery and its shadows], eds. João José Reis e Elciene Azevedo (Salvador: UFBA Press, 2012), 143-185.